
Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization

Learn more about the benefits of opioid addiction partial hospitalization at Continuum Outpatient Center.

What is Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization?

Opioid addiction partial hospitalization programs (PHP) are a specialized form of treatment for people struggling with opioid addiction or opioid use disorder (OUD). It provides an intensive structured therapeutic environment and offers a middle ground between inpatient and outpatient care.1

Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization

Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization vs. Other Treatment Options

Opioid addiction partial hospitalization provides a structured and intensive level of care while allowing patients to live at home. Here’s how it compares to other treatment modalities:

Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization

A PHP is more intensive than traditional outpatient programs but less intensive than inpatient rehab. Patients often attend the program for several hours a day, up to five days a week.

Treatment typically includes:
  • Group therapy
  • Individual counseling
  • Other therapeutic activities
Patients continue to live at home during treatment. This allows them to maintain certain aspects of their daily life.

Inpatient Rehab

This is the most intensive form of addiction treatment. Patients stay at the facility 24/7 for a set period, often 30, 60, or 90 days.

Inpatient rehab offers comprehensive care, including:
  • Medical supervision
  • Therapy
  • Structured activities
Patients live in the treatment facility. This provides a controlled environment away from daily triggers and stressors.

Outpatient Programs

Outpatient programs are less intensive than partial hospitalization or inpatient rehab. Patients often attend sessions a few times a week for a few hours.

Treatment includes therapy and counseling but with less frequency and intensity. Patients live at home and can maintain work or school responsibilities.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

MAT uses medications like methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Intensity can vary, and it’s used in inpatient, outpatient, and partial hospitalization settings.

MAT is often combined with counseling and behavioral therapies. It can also be part of any of the above treatment modalities.

Choosing a Treatment Program

Opioid addiction partial hospitalization offers a middle ground between the intensity of inpatient rehab and the flexibility of outpatient programs. MAT focuses on managing physical aspects of addiction and can be incorporated into any treatment setting.
The choice of treatment depends on:
  • The person’s specific needs
  • The severity of their addiction
  • Other personal circumstances

Primary Advantages of Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization Programs

Opioid addiction partial hospitalization programs offer several primary advantages that contribute to successful recovery and relapse prevention.2
Some of these advantages include:

Intensive Treatment without Full Hospitalization

A PHP provides a high level of care similar to inpatient treatment but allows patients to return home at night. This balance can be crucial for people who need intensive support but have commitments at home or prefer a less restrictive environment.

Structured Environment

These programs offer a structured therapeutic environment with a regular schedule of therapies and activities. This structure helps patients establish a routine and develop healthy habits. This is vital for long-term recovery.

Comprehensive Therapy

Opioid addiction partial hospitalization often includes a combination of individual therapy, group therapy, and educational sessions.

This comprehensive approach addresses various aspects of addiction, including underlying:
  • Psychological issues
  • Behavioral patterns
  • Coping strategies

Support and Supervision

The regular supervision and support provided in a PHP can help identify and address potential relapse triggers early. This ongoing support is essential in the early stages of recovery when the risk of relapse is higher.

Transition and Step-Down Care

For those transitioning from an inpatient setting, opioid addiction partial hospitalization offers a step-down level of care. This supports gradual reintegration into everyday life. This transitional support can make the move from intensive inpatient care to independent living more manageable.

Skill Building and Education

Patients in a PHP often receive education on addiction and recovery, along with skill-building activities to improve:
  • Coping strategies
  • Stress management
  • Life skills
These tools are crucial for maintaining sobriety in the face of challenges and stressors.

Peer Support and Community

Taking part in group therapy and activities allows people to connect with others who are facing similar struggles. This peer support is invaluable for building a supportive community and reducing feelings of isolation.


Opioid addiction partial hospitalization offers more flexibility than inpatient programs. This allows patients to maintain certain aspects of their daily life, such as family responsibilities or work.

Family Involvement

Many programs include family therapy or offer resources for family members. Family involvement can be crucial in recovery. It helps build a supportive home environment and improves family dynamics.

Continuity of Care

Opioid addiction partial hospitalization often provides continuity of care, including follow-up outpatient services or connections to support groups. This ongoing care is essential for long-term recovery and relapse prevention.
By offering a blend of intensive treatment, support, and flexibility, a PHP plays a crucial role in helping people make a successful transition from more intensive care to independent living. These programs do so while equipping people with the skills and support needed to prevent relapse.

Typical Structure of Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization Programs

Opioid addiction partial hospitalization programs often include a structured yet flexible approach to treatment. They combine various therapies and support systems to provide effective care.
Here’s an outline of the typical structure and components of such a program:

Daily Schedule

A PHP often operates 5 to 7 days a week for several hours each day, often amounting to 4-8 hours of treatment per day. The exact schedule can vary based on the program and individual needs.

Therapeutic Modalities

Some common therapeutic modalities used in a PHP include:

Individual therapy

This includes one-on-one sessions with a therapist focusing on individual issues, progress, and personalized coping strategies.

Group Therapy

These are sessions where patients share experiences and support each other, often led by a therapist. Topics can include addiction education, relapse prevention, and skill-building

Family Therapy

Family therapy involves family members in treatment. The goal is to address relationship dynamics, improve communication, and build a supportive home environment.

Educational Sessions

These sessions include education about:
  • The nature of addiction
  • The specific challenges of opioid addiction
  • Strategies for maintaining sobriety
  • Healthy living, such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep hygiene

Skill-Building Workshops

These sessions are focused on developing:
  • Coping skills
  • Stress management techniques
  • Problem-solving abilities
They also include training in life skills that may have been neglected due to addiction.

Medication Management

As aforementioned, this includes the management and administration of medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone. These are used in medication-assisted treatment to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

MAT should be utilized in conjunction with whole-person, traditional treatment methods, such as therapy or 12-Step programs. This also includes regular consultations with medical staff to monitor and adjust medication as needed.

Psychiatric Care

Psychiatric care includes assessment and treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders, which are common among people with substance use disorders. It provides ongoing psychiatric support to address issues like depression, anxiety, or PTSD.

Holistic Therapies

Some programs incorporate holistic approaches like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, or art therapy to support wellness and stress reduction.

Peer Support and Community Building

This encourages connections with peers in recovery through group activities. It facilitates participation in support groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) or other community-based resources.

Relapse Prevention Planning

This involves developing a comprehensive relapse prevention plan that includes:
  • Identifying triggers
  • Creating coping strategies
  • Establishing a support system

Aftercare and Follow-up

This involves planning for continued care after completion of the PHP. This may include transitioning to an outpatient program or other supportive services.

Aftercare and Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization Programs

After completing an opioid addiction partial hospitalization program, aftercare and relapse prevention strategies play a crucial role in maintaining long-term recovery. These strategies are designed to provide ongoing support and tools to help people navigate the challenges of life post-treatment.
Here’s how a PHP provides aftercare upon completing treatment:

Therapy and Support Groups

Aftercare often includes continued therapy, either through individual counseling or support groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA). These sessions offer a platform for people to share their experiences, challenges, and successes while gaining support and insights from peers and professionals.
Many programs also encourage or arrange for alumni support networks, where former patients can connect and support each other.

Relapse Prevention Plan

Patients are often provided with a comprehensive relapse prevention plan before leaving the program.
This plan is tailored to each person and includes:
  • Identifying personal triggers
  • Developing coping strategies
  • Establishing a supportive network of friends, family, and healthcare professionals

Lifestyle Recommendations

Lifestyle recommendations are also emphasized as part of a holistic approach to maintaining well-being and sobriety.
These include:
  • Engaging in regular physical activity
  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Practicing stress-reduction techniques like meditation or yoga
The goal of these aftercare and relapse prevention strategies is to empower people with the skills and support they need to lead a substance-free life and effectively manage any challenges that arise.

Determining Eligibility for Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization Programs

Eligibility for opioid addiction partial hospitalization programs is determined based on several key criteria. These criteria are assessed by healthcare professionals and include:

Addiction Severity

The severity of a person’s opioid addiction is a primary consideration. This assessment often involves evaluating the extent of drug use. It includes the duration and frequency of opioid consumption and its impact on the person’s daily functioning.

Withdrawal Symptoms

The presence of withdrawal symptoms and any prior attempts at treatment or relapses are also taken into account. The assessment includes an evaluation of the person’s physical health, as certain health conditions might necessitate more intensive medical supervision than what a PHP can provide.

Mental Health Status

Another crucial factor in determining eligibility is the person’s mental health status. Many people with opioid addiction also struggle with co-occurring mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD.3

A thorough psychiatric evaluation is conducted to understand these complexities. It also ensures that the PHP can address both the addiction and any accompanying mental health issues.

Support System

The person’s support system and living environment also get considered. A stable and supportive home environment is beneficial for someone in a PHP, as patients return home after daily treatment sessions.

Readiness for Treatment

Finally, motivation and readiness for treatment are assessed. Active participation and commitment to the program are essential for its effectiveness.
The assessment process involves a combination of clinical evaluations, interviews, and often standardized questionnaires to gauge the severity of addiction and readiness for this level of care.

Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization: A Multi-Faceted Approach

The integration of medical services, counseling, and behavioral therapies in opioid addiction partial hospitalization programs plays a critical role in addressing the multifaceted nature of opioid addiction.4

This integrative approach ensures comprehensive care, targeting not only the physical aspects of addiction but also its psychological and behavioral dimensions.

Some of the facets of care include:

Medical Services

In a PHP, medical services often include regular health assessments to monitor withdrawal symptoms, and address any co-occurring medical issues. For people recovering from opioid addiction, this medical support is crucial in managing withdrawal and any associated health complications.
Regular medical oversight helps in early identification and intervention for any health-related issues that may arise during the recovery process.

Counseling and Behavioral Therapies

These are central to the treatment in a PHP. They address the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction. Counseling, whether individual or group-based, provides a space for patients to explore the underlying causes of their addiction, such as trauma or stress.

Behavioral therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) help patients develop coping strategies to deal with triggers and cravings, improve problem-solving skills, and encourage behavioral changes that support sobriety.

The inclusion of family therapy can also be instrumental in repairing and strengthening family relationships. This is often a key component of the support system for people in recovery.

Role of Medication-Assisted Treatment

By reducing physical symptoms, MAT allows people to engage more fully in other aspects of the PHP, such as counseling and skill-building activities. This comprehensive approach enhances the chances of long-term recovery by addressing both the physical and behavioral patterns associated with addiction.

Importance of Integrated Approaches to Treatment

The integration of these elements in a PHP provides a robust and multi-pronged approach to treating opioid addiction. By combining these services, a PHP can offer a well-rounded and effective treatment plan, tailored to address the unique needs of each person.
This integrative model is crucial for not only achieving sobriety but also for maintaining long-term recovery and improving quality of life.
Opioid Addiction Partial Hospitalization

Opioid Addiction PHP at Continuum Outpatient Center

At Continuum Outpatient Center, our approach to opioid addiction partial hospitalization is centered around providing quality care that is both evidence-based and holistic. We aim to treat the whole person, not just the addiction.

Our Approach

We understand the complex nature of opioid addiction and ensure that our treatment protocols are rooted in the latest scientific research.
This commitment to evidence-based practices means we are constantly updating our methods to incorporate new findings and therapies proven to be effective in the field of addiction medicine.
Our focus on quality care ensures each patient receives not just standard treatment, but a customized plan that addresses their specific needs and circumstances. Our comprehensive approach ensures that we are not just treating symptoms but are actively working toward long-term recovery for our patients.

Contact Continuum Outpatient Center Today

Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you overcome opioid addiction. We’re here to help you heal.

Questions About Treatment?
Reach out to our knowledgeable and compassionate Continuum Outpatient Center team for the guidance and support you need for sustainable recovery. We’re here to help you build a foundation for long-term happiness, wellness, and healing.